Thursday, March 15, 2012

Original Scroll One

The stress of midterms is over, and Spring Break is just a few days away. In the mean time I have nothing to do but sit in my dorm room and watch TV. Remembering my commitment to the A&S 50 challenge, I decided to start an original scroll. I've done a few before for family members but I was never proud of them, the scrolls always missed that special something. After hours of searching google I found this image

and decided that it would be fun to paint. Also a few people in my barony have been not-so-subtly hinting  that I should enter something in either 'Kingdom A&S' or 'Queen's Prize'.  If I finish it in time I'll think about entering one of them, probably won't be done in time for Kingdom though.  I've become rather fond of tutorials lately and decided to a minor step-by-step photo demo of how I went through the design process. Also, its like a mini-version of my documentation.

My first step was to sketch out a scale version in my sketchbook. It took me about 2 hours to get my symmetry right and the lines where I wanted them. Here is the cleaned up sketch:

My next step was to copy the design onto a piece of tracing paper:

Next step is to press the traced design into the bristol board. I used an 11x14 piece of bristol board for the design as I had a full pad of it. The traced design comes out very light so I had to carefully retrace the lines and erase any smudges:

 Here is a close up of the bristol board design:

Here is an image of all three drawing (left: original sketch; top right: bristol board; bottom right: tracing paper):

Once I was satisfied with the final sketch, I then went over the design again with a black 0.45mm  Micron archival pen and added details:

Here is the final product:

I was going to paint it, but one of my SCA friends suggested I hold off till I can show someone at the Scribal Symposium. He suggested that I could hand it in as a blank GOA or a possible pre-print. I don't think it's refined enough to be a GOA, but if they want it I guess it must be.

Since I can't paint this one, I'll just draw up a new design and paint that one.

To all my friends at the Gulf War, happy camping!

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