Monday, April 30, 2012

Eight in any Medium

At this years Melon Wars I entered into the 'Eight in any Medium' competition, the winner of which would be determined by populace vote. I submitted 8 illuminated pre-prints, four of which where completed on site. Four scrolls in four hours, my brain hurt so much by the time judging started. Here are the scrolls I submitted:

The populace determined that my entry was their favorite, and I was presented with my prize at court that evening. I was terrified as no one had ever instructed me on what to do in court. The two books and the horn cup where the prize from the competition. The ring and shell where gifts from the queen for painting scrolls for the kingdom.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Symposium Savvy

I had such a blast at the Bellwoode Symposium this last weekend. I took classes all day long about the Scribal Arts and made new friends. A full rundown of the event will go up later, but for now, I have the equivalent of artists block. I am almost done with the scroll below, but can't figure out what to do with the arch, any suggestions?